We offer multiple options to finance your dental needs.
Care Credit Payment Plans:
CareCredit is a flexible monthly payment option we offer at The Dentists at Greenway. The plan is designed for large treatments and cosmetic work. You may apply quickly and securely by clicking their logo located to below or by calling 1-800-859-9975.
No Initial Payment
Low, fixed rates ranging from 0%
Low monthly payments
First payment not due for 4-6 weeks
No prepayment penalty, Terms up to 60 months
Dental Insurance Coverage at The Dentists at Greenway:
The Dentists at Greenway is a network provider for:

Predetermine: Our Houston dental team will be glad to file a predetermination for you to verify coverage of any necessary dental treatment.
Filing: As a courtesy to our patients we will file your insurance claim if you are not insured with either of the insurances listed above.
Payment: After we file your insurance claim your insurance company will reimburse you personally as they see fit usual and customary fees. All fees are due at time services are rendered in our dental office. Please feel free to contact our Houston dental office or to discuss any of the options listed above.
Payment Options:
The Dentists at Greenway accepts personal and certified checks, business checks and all major credit cards, including: