Jerry from River Oaks

Jerry has never been proud of the gaps in his teeth. We were able to fill out his smile giving him the look he always desired.
John from Afton Oaks

John chipped his front tooth eating something. He wanted to get it fixed but didn’t know who he could trust. We were able to place a tooth colored bonding to repair the chip and the patient was happy with how natural everything looked once we were done.
Kathy from Baytown

Kathy was one of our very first patients when we opened the office. She came in wanting to improve her smile. She was unhappy with the shade of her teeth and the lines on her front teeth. She also had periodontal disease with severe bone loss on her bottom two teeth. We ended up removing two of her lower incisors and doing a porcelain bridge from canine to canine. On the uppers, we removed the old fillings and put new porcelain veneers and crowns across her top 6 front teeth. We were able to deliver wonderful results that she is very proud of.
Lauren from Memorial

Lauren was getting married in a few months and decided to do something about her 2 front teeth that have always bothered her. She felt like they were much larger than the other teeth and stuck out drastically. She wanted to maintain her large beautiful smile but wanted something more symmetrical. We started by bleaching her teeth. Then we placed 6 anterior veneers which were all proportioned to fit her big beautiful smile.
Suzy from Sugar Land

Suzy had multiple large discolored fillings between her front teeth. She had previously redone them several times and was ready to get something more permanent done. She only wanted to do the front 4 teeth. We ended up replacing the old fillings and placing all ceramic crowns on her top 4 front teeth. We achieved a the natural smile she wanted to keep while eliminating the discoloration of the fillings. She is very happy with the results.
LeAnn from West University

LeAnn came into the office complaining of her old two front crowns which were small, discolored, and had spaces between them. She wanted to replace them and achieve her original beautiful smile. We removed her old front crowns and replaced them with new all ceramic crowns. We also did veneers from canine to canine.
Rashid from the Medical Center

Rashid came into the office unhappy with the small size of his front teeth and the spacing between them. He was a happy vibrant person and wanted a full smile to reflect that. We started by bleaching his teeth and placing 6 anterior veneers from canine to canine. We extended the length and width of the teeth to close all the spaces and fill his beautiful smile line. He was very happy with the results and could not stop smiling on his way out.